

Our Bus:


- There are buses available for specific areas.

- The house location must be given to the nursery few days before school starts.

- There is a supervisor available with the children on the bus.

- The bus fees must be paid annually or monthly

- We fulfill the safety and  security regulations of the bus with having seat belts and car seats in the bus.

- The attendance of children is checked regularly and in case any of the children is not going by bus, the parents must inform the administration and not the buss supervisor.


Private drop and pick-up:

- The child must be dropped and picked up by the parents, and the phone numbers of the parents must be provided.

- In case the driver or the nanny are going to pickup the child, the parents must provide the name and picture of the nanny or driver.

- In case there's a change in who's picking up the child like a relative or family friend the centre must be informed and must have the picture and number of that person. In addition, the centre is not allowed to let the child leave with anyone without being informed beforehand.